Saturday 14 May 2016

The Saturday List #88 - The Top Ten fiascos from Barnet Council

As everyone knows, Barnet Council cocked up the 2016 Mayoral elections. You may think that this omnishables is a one off. Think again, here is our top 10 shambles from our flagship Tory Council!

1. Mayoral/ GLA election 2016. Voters disenfranchised for up to four hours due to incorrect lists being cieculated. Voters turned away from polls, even though registered to vote.

2. General Election 2010 - Dismore denied victory by poling station cock ups.

3. Icelandic banks scandal - Council loses millions of taxpayers money in dodgy investment schemes.

4. Aerodrome Road scandal - £12 million Bridge renewal project goes over budget by £11 million.

5. Metpro scandal - Council employs unlicensed security company for security of vulnerable people.

6. Catalyst care homes - Legionella outbreaks and suing the council for not making enough profits (you couldn't make this one up!).

7. SAP project - Council spends £24 million on an IT system that was only supposed to cost £6 million.  

8. Your Choice Barnet - Council outsources adult care and a year later has to bale out the private company running it with millions.

9. Barnet CPz fiasco - Barnet hiked the cost of CPZ zones. Residents took them to court and had the decision overturned. Barnet had to pay millions back to residents and hundreds of thousands in legal costs

10. Abolition of Pay and Display parking. Barnet Tory parking svengali Brian Coleman was on the rampage in 2011. Bouyed by the Tories election victory in 2010, he embarked on a war on motorists. He took on residents with the CPZ price hike (see item 9 above) and High Street retailers in the Borough by abolishing pay and display parking. Coleman paid the price losing the plumb job at the GLA in the 2012 election and pay and display meters reappeared. The council lost millions on the cost of scrapping the old ones and installing new one.

There are plenty of other cock ups, but these are the top ten. Every Barnet resident has been affected by the ineptitude of the Tory administration. The millions lost could have been spent on many things to improve our Borough, the business damaged by the CPZ problems could have employed hundreds of local residents and the vulnerable, disabled and elderly could have had a better quality of life. All rather sad, isn't it>


Venomator said...

Not to mention the recent Travel Pass scandal...

Anonymous said...

Or the way they developed the Brent Cross scheme.