Sunday 31 July 2011

Barnet Council Datagate scandal - it gets worse and worse

Yesterday I posted this blog -

It contained this portion of a report

One of my friendly teams of sleuths has uncovered the "redacted" part of the information (ie the blacked out bit)
It says :-
"Risk - 2e2 will pass all risk back onto the council and not deliver
Action -Improve the relationship with 2e2 and look into terminating the 2e2 contract early and bringing services and staff, under TUPE, in‐house, if necessary."
So, as ever, the solution when "outsourcing" fails is to bring it in house and let the public sector clean up the mess, whilst the contractors walk off with a bulging wallet.


Steve said...
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Steve said...

Funny how Rams uses the example of how running a server farm is better outsourced in his reply to me in

Also, funny how he won't "moderate" comments in response to that about how he has avoided the question.

Mr Mustard said...

Rams just talks sheep-shit Roger. He can't talk bull-shit because he is just a little lamb.

Ron said...

I wonder who's doing the negotiations for the council, because he/she is either bloody bad in it or otherwiae.... look, e.g. in this one:
"Front and Back office telephony infrastructure has come to the EOL and will be unsupportable by CISCO from May 2011, unless Barnet make a commitment to the upgrade". end of life is nothing that came out of the bible. this is an arbitrary date decided by the vendor and open to negotitions. it is true that cisco is a big player, but if the council had the bolls to say "we are going else where", they will soon be discovering that EOL can be stretched far into the future. with or without commitment.
the other issue is loosy maintnance e.g. "A number of Tablet Laptops are
coming to the EOL and becoming inefficient and slow creating user
frustration." if my memory serves me right, thos are 2 or 3 years old. technolgy was not changed that much since. the slowenese is down to bad or no maintnance. All this EOL arggument is only to make money from jam. However, since the IT support system was outsourced, there is noone to tell it to the ousourced officers.