Saturday 16 July 2011

Young Ramsbottom Special : Twatman is a chicken !!!!!!

Imagine my surprise (and hilarity). It turns out that the scourge of the Barnet Library system Councillor Robert Ramsbottom (AKA little Bobby Sheepsjacksie) is a chicken. Following some banter on Twitter with one of my favourite Barnet Tory Loonies (Dan Hope), I suddenly realised that Little Bobby has a twitter account under the monika of @athousandtrees - imagine my joy. The chance to read the blatherings of Twatman ad nausium !!!! So off I went to have a look and guess what? That's right, little Bobby only let's approved people view his blatherings. This is what greeted me :-

Yup, along with all of his other failings, we can now add that he's a chicken. he's scared that people will see what old cobblers he's spouting and wind him up. Ah diddums Bobby. The poor little darling. Whilst little Bobby is a source of great hilarity to this blog, surely the people of Barnet deserve better than this. Whilst I try my best to wind up his mate and fellow Councillor Danny "Imber" Seal, he is clearly made of sterner stuff and laughs it off. Sadly squeaky Bob takes himself so seriously that the mere thought of bloggers giggling as he makes himself look stupid is far too much. Is there a worse councillor in Barnet. Maybe we should rename Bobby to "Kentucky Bob" - He ain't just chicken (He's a  twat as well). When I have a free moment maybe we'll have another poll.

One other thing. Bumped into a few of the older residents of Barnet, who are avid supporters of the Library campaign earlier in the week. One Lady, who had been a lifelong Tory until they decided to shut her library told me that she'd got into reading blogs as a result of Twatman and his closure policies. I asked her if she thought I was a bit mean to Bobby and would prefer it if I was a bit more polite. "Oh no" She replied "The English language is at it's best when it's a bit fruity. Shakespeare is full of bawdy language and insults, so you are merely carrying on our finest literary traditions". I'd never really thought of it like that. She went on to say "I think the term Twat sums Rams up nicely"

Maybe Bobby should try chatting to a few of the users of Friern Barnet and Garden Suburb Library. Maybe it would help improve his education. And one other thing. Rather oddly, unlike most other Barnet blogs, Little Bob has a blog, but he doesn't put a link on to his fellow bloggers in the Borough? Why could this be. We have a link to his in our sidebar and we do all we can to publicise what he has to say, damn bad manners I call it !

Cluck cluck Bob !!!!


Mr Mustard said...

Mr Mustard, on the other hand, is very grateful not to be able to read the tweets of Cllr Rams. Having rated his recent late committee appearance a 3/10 Mr Mustard doubts that his request to follow Cllr Rams, appropriate that - to follow a sheep, would be accepted.
Mr Mustard would be baa'd.

baarnett said...

Neither would Baa-baa-baarnett - would ewe?