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Isn't this fun. I can honestly say that up until now 2016 has been a lousy year. But then that was up until now. I made several rather important decisions at the end of last year. One of them was to have HIFU treatment for my Prostate cancer. Another was to take on some IT consultancy work. I've spent the last 33 years balancing IT consultancy work with my music business. In 2012 we had a massive expansion of our studio business. That required 100% of my attention to oversee the project. It has now reached the business as usual phase and for the last couple of years my beloved Missus and partner in crime has been doing all of the work. So I decided that I fancied a change of scenery and a bit more stress in my life. Three weeks after my treatment, I embarked on a freelance IT consultancy contract. It may seem an odd thing to do but I enjoy the work and it is mentally stimulating. Just to make matters even more fun I decided to launch a record label. Not to forget the Save London Music Campaign. By the end of March I was completely cream crackered. I realised that I was doing a bit too much and needed a holiday. Luckily this coincided with my Daughters easter Uni break.
So we all took off to Orlando. Most of the blogs regular readers have been reading are from the stock of in the pipeline blogs I've built up. Anyway I thought some sun would do me a bit of good. And you know what, as soon as I got away from old London Town I realised what a awise decisions that was. I am not one to sit still, but the sunshine, the kids and the break from the stress of my routine was just what the doctor ordered. I realised I'd been pushing too hard and doing too much. There are two types of stress, good and bad. I realised that I'd converted the good to the bad and it was taking its toll. The doctors had told me that the HIFU would not have serious effects on me, but they probably hadn't realised just how much I like to take on.
Anyway I'm back now. And I feel much better for it. I hate sitting around doing nothing, hence the prolific nature of my blog, but I think I've learned that I need to take a bit more time out and chill out some more. It is an important lesson. I've always said I want to go out with my boots on but I don't want to do that just yet. So in some ways the holiday has been a form of deliverance from myself.
If you are reading this as you are having HIFU, learn from my mistake. Take some time out and get some sunshine. Get away from the stresses and don't start stressfull projects as soon as you've had the treatment. I am now ready(ish) for the challenges I've set myself but I have made a plan to manage them in a better way. I feel much better for this and my family have also noticed that I seem calmer and less stressed. This can only be for the good.
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