Sunday 20 December 2020

The Tweets of the week in the London Borough of Barnet -20/12/2020

 So this is our last Tweets of the week of the year. Next week will be the tweets of the year. Yet another strange week of the roller coaster that is 2020. Strangely it has been a good week for  the Tweeters of the Borough

1. Lets start with a shout out for the great work Age UK Barnet do

2. We love a secret tunnel, especially in Finchley.

3. Lets see if we can get Tali her scooter back

4. This is a nice touch, well done to GDK Garages

5. A nice tweet here from Cricklewood

6. Samuel Levy is one of our fave tweeters. Rarely a week goes by without a great tweet, this week is no exception

7. We were there and if you've never been, we advise you to join us when real football restarts. A great day at Hadley FC

8. There are many in Barnet who deserve an award. Please put a nomination in. Ours would go to all at Colindale Foodbank

9. It was the birthday of one of the great friends of this blog, Robin Morel, AKA @13milepost, of Network Rail. One of the good guys, part of the 'Orange Army' of key workers who keep our transport going. Happy Birthday Rob

10. A top guy from Mill Hill was properly recognised this week in Mill Hill

That's all folks.

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