Tuesday, 20 December 2011

The Barnet Eye Mad World round up 20/12/2011

2000 years ago a star appeared in the sky above Bethlehem. A baby was born who would change the world .....

And here we are 2000 years later. What sort of a world is it?

This week we saw the deaths of two highly influential world leaders. Kim Il Jong and Vaclav Havel. Both have a long list of official achievements. Both changed their nations beyond recognition. Both were lauded by their respective parliaments for their achievements and ideas. They sound very similar don't they? How wrong you are! Il Jong got the job because his Dad bequeathed it to him. Havel got it because his people recognised his integrity and intellect. il Jongs achievements include a round of golf where he claimed a 38 under par with 9 hole in ones, verified by his bodyguards. Havel was a playright, dissident and founder of Charter 77. He was jailed for his opposition to totalitarianism. Both will see huge crowds for their funerals. The crowds for il Jong will be there because they have to be, for Havel they will be there because they want to be. That is the difference between democracy and dictatorship. That is why ultimately democracy wins.

Closer to home, we have the idiocy of David Camerons idea to give married couples £150, to "promote the idea of marriage". This is bonkers. I sometimes feel like I'm more of a Conservative than "Big Dave". I can think of no more profligate waste of public money than just giving away £150 to promote a lifestyle choice. I got married because I love my missus. If I'd had to pay £500 to do it, I would have because it would have been worth it. I suspect that one reason for the number of failed marriages is because it is actually too easy. If Big Dave has cash to splash, spend it on parenting classes for those at the bottom rung of society. That would be money well spent and would actually deliver long term benefits.

And then we have the news that the Taxman has let big business of £25 billion worth of tax. This is completely bonkers. These firms can afford large firms of accountants and have a duty to present proper accounts. I know more than a handful of people forced out of business by the inland revenue. How will these people feel when they see that massive firms making mega profits have been let off?

And finally... I hear that train fares are set to rise by 5.9%. Who does this hit? Working people, none of whom have had a payrise of anything like 5.9%. It will be interesting to see how much the private train operators profits rise. Maybe there is a friendly Tory out there who can explain something to me. We were told that privatisation would deliver a cheaper and more efficient railway. When was the last time fares didn't go up? Where are the cost savings. The taxpayer funds this and the privateers pocket the profits. It is obscene.

Note : The Barnet Eye has until now concentrated on local Barnet issues and by and large ignored world events. In future we will provide a weekly world round up. Hope you enjoy

1 comment:

baarnett said...

Today Barnet, tomorrow The World!

I like Simon Hoggart's comment today:
after the death of the big man in North Korea, he thought Nick Clegg could become "The Quite Liked Leader".