Thursday 17 February 2011

Offord calls for Jihad to save Christians abroad

Matthew Offord has urged the Archbishop of Canterbury to launch a Crusade to protect Christians abroad - From his Twitter

Sandwich lunch with the Archbishop of Canterbury while pressing him on greater defence of christians abroad.


Mrs Angry said...

Glad to see you've joined twitter! As I pointed out to Mr Offord, sandwiches can be more dangerous than you think: (you know how accident prone he is) rumour has it the first crusade started over a cheese and pickle bap and a slight misunderstanding ...

baarnett said...

Not to mention the short but savage 'Great Tuna and Mayonnaise War' of 1817, leading to the signing of the British Land Treaty, or the BLT.

baarnett said...

Archbishop of Canterbury: Manuel, go and get me a hammer
Manuel (of Hendon): Que?
Archbishop: A... hammer
Manuel: Ahhhhh, a hammer sandwich!
Archbishop: Must we go through this every time? A hammer.
Manuel: You want to see my hamster?

baarnett said...

Never mind Offordbore - I see that Councillor Harper is in today's Evening Standard here, commenting on the Palace of Varieties on Monday night.

Counciller Harper says: "There were two groups of people; those residents genuinely concerned about changes to public services, and those people who just came along to shout."

Which group does he put you in Roger, and which group does he put himself?

Rog T said...


To be honest with you, I don't really care which group Harper puts me in as I belong firmly in both. He's in a third group, which come along to collect their allowances