Saturday 11 August 2018

The Saturday List #183 - Ten excellent Mill Hill Photo collections

Over the years, I've found a whole series of excellent collections of pictures of Mill Hill past and present. I've used some of them from time to time in blogs etc. I thought it was high time I collated them all in one blog. So here they are, I do hope you enjoy them. Click through for the links.

Rising Sun 1910 (Pres Soc)
1. The Mill Hill Preservation Society old Mill Hill collection.
We start with the Pres Soc's old Mill Hill collection -

2. The Preservation Society also have a nice collection of contemporary images. There is a nice picture of the NIMR before its demolition in this collection

3. The third and last selection from the Preservation Society is a collection of old maps. These are fascinating.

4. I recently came across an amazing set of collections by David Smith. Here are my pics. You can get these framed at who are based in Brent Street, Hendon. This business are well worth a plug! (no they haven't paid for it, we support local businesses). The first of Davids collections is of Mill Hill Broadway (click on imnage)

MIll Hill Broadway

5. The second of Davids collections is a Mill Hill wide selection (click on image)

6. The third of our pics from David's collections is one of Motor Garages. Although these are across North West London, there are plenty of Mill Hill shots. As my family were in the motor trade (my brother still runs a welding business in Bunns Lane), I find these really interesting. I used to regularly visit most of these sites with my Dad.

7. Another site with a good selection of historical pictures is Francis Frith.

8. Another great source of pictures is the Barnet Council Borough archive.

Route of Disused railway
9. Many Mill Hill people are fascinated by the disused railway line between Mill Hill East and Edgware. The most comprehensive collection of maps and pictures of the Mill Hill The Hale section are at the Disused Stations website.

NIMR in its heyday
10. Our final collection is on the Britain from Above website. Although there is not a "Mill Hill collection", you can search on Mill Hill. Although not all pictures are from the Mill Hill in Barnet, the ones that are make it worth the trouble! I especially like the pictures of the Medical Research on page three of these piccies.

I hope you've found these collections as interesting as I did.

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