Thursday 7 April 2022

Everything you need to know to vote in the Barnet Council Elections in May

Here is the key information you need to know about the local elections. 


Important deadlines for voters

Polling day: Thursday 5 May 2022, from 7am to 10pm.

Barnet's ward boundaries have changed

New electoral arrangements for Barnet Council will come into effect at these elections on 5 May. The new ward boundaries mean:

  • Barnet will continue to have 63 councillors, but the number of wards is increasing from 21 to 24 
  • there will be 15 wards with 3 councillors and 9 wards with 2 councillors

What the changes mean for you

  • your ward will be represented by 2 or 3 councillors depending on how many electors it has
  • the name of your ward may have changed
  • the polling station where you go to vote may have changed

Check our maps to find your new ward boundary and polling station

Find out more about why the ward boundaries have change, Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) statutory reviewExternal link

Who can vote

All people on the electoral register can vote except British citizens living overseas.

If you are not yet registered, you can register to vote onlineExternal link

Ways to vote

Voting in person on polling day

Polling districts and polling station have changed for the Local Elections on 5 May. 

Get information on your polling station and how to vote at a polling station, including:

Apply to vote by post

You must be registered to vote before you can apply to vote by post. 

How to vote by post

Apply for someone to vote on your behalf (proxy voting)

You must be registered to vote before you can apply to vote by proxy.

How to apply to vote by proxy

Information for Candidates and Election Agents

Find out more about standing for election

You can also visit Electoral Commission websiteExternal link

Local Government Elections timetable

  • Publication of Notice of Election on Monday 28 March
  • Publication of Statement of Persons nominated on Wednesday 6 April
  • Deadline to register to vote on Thursday 14 April (midnight)
  • Receipt of postal vote applications on Tuesday 19 April (5pm)
  • Receipt of proxy vote applications on Tuesday 26 April (5pm)
  • First day to issue replacement postal votes on Thursday 28 April
  • Day of election (poll) on Thursday 5 May (7am to 10pm)
  • Counting of votes on Thursday 5 May (from 10pm)


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