Tuesday 3 August 2010

Exclusive : The Barnet Eye Exposes the Barnet Bugle for making up stories !!!!!

Today the Barnet Eye, the Leading blog in the London Borough of Barnet exposes a terrible scandal at our latest rival, the Barnet Bugle.

On Sunday, the Barnet Bugle printed this story.

This claimed that Friends of Barnet Council Leader, Lynne Hillan, have been putting it about that she cannot be deposed as the Council constitution claims she's elected for a four year term. Extensive research has shown that this is completely untrue. In actual fact the people spreading such piffle are not what is known as friends at all. They are what is known in these parts as "lackeys looking for a promotion and a payrise". We strongly suggest that the editor of the Barnet Bugle go back to a proper North London Comprehensive (preferrably one in special measures) and learn to "talk proper".

Anyway, despite this painfully bad attempt to mislead the good people of Barnet, we feel the time has come to add the Barnet Buggle to our sidebar.


Mrs Angry said...

You boys are missing the point: Hillan can be deposed, and may be deposed, and who knows, perhaps the pay rise fiasco was plotted all along by someone who knew exactly what the consequences would be? Just a thought, from the dark recesses of my suspicious mind ...

baarnett said...

Mrs. A.:

That's a bit like saying we invaded Iraq in order to get rid of Bambi Blair.

I think events are nearly always Cock-Up, only very rarely Conspiracy.

Anyway, where would enough intelligence for the latter come from? Mr. Toad? He's too close to the scandal, I presume, to think he could benefit.

Anonymous said...

Mrs A. me thinks Roger has been at the sherry tonight ;)

You are of course right, as is the Bugle!

Mrs Angry said...

baarnett: perhaps a better analogy would be some colleague of Tony's encouraging his plans to invade Iraq in the full knowledge that if it all went wrong, Blair would be discredited, leave office and oh, a vacancy would occur ... as for conspiracy theories, well it takes two to tango and one man's solitary conspiracy doesn't amount to much more than a career plan. AT LEAST THAT'S WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO THINK! ....

Dan Hope: I suspect rather a lot of sherry parties take place behind the genteel net curtains of our Mill Hill blogging community ...