Friday 23 November 2012

Urgent question for Barnet Councillors regarding One Barnet program

Dear Barnet Councillor,
I have a simple question and would be grateful if you could supply an answer. I will be publishing the answers you respond on the Barnet Eye blog. I will also name any councillor who fails to respond and any councillor who deletes this email without reading it, as I believe that regardless of what we think of One Barnet, a contract worth hundreds of millions of pounds, lasts ten years and fundamentally changes the relationship between the council and the population of Barnet should be of interest to all Barnet Councillors.
On BBC London 94.9, the Leader of the Council stated that the contract was 800 pages long and was too complicated for any one person to understand. He also stated that the first time councillors saw the contract was on Wednesday. Furthermore he stated that the decision to sign the contract would be taken on 6th December. As it is the job of councillors to safeguard the democratic process and interests of the people of Barnet, do you think that this period is long enough to fully answer any legitimate questions that councillors may have?
I would also be obliged if you could inform me whether you will be reading through the contract.
Roger Tichborne
This letter was sent to all Barnet Councillors this morning. The Barnet Eye will publish details of any responses received.

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