Monday 25 January 2010

First Capital Connect - The uprising grows ! News round

Just a quick roundup of the campaign to strip First Capital Connect, Britains worst train operator of the Thameslink franchise. The Observer picked up the story yesterday - CLICK HERE TO READ - interesting to read the FCC saying that they are a great company because the Great Northern route hasn't deteriorated to the same level as the Thameslink Route just yet.

There is a press release from First saying they've now got all of the trains they ordered - CLICK HERE TO READ - in this press release they say that as they now have a full compliment of trains, they have no excuse to run short formations. I thought I'd check the First Capital Connect journey check site to see how they were doing this morning. Guess what
07:30 Luton to Sutton Surrey due 09:12

This train will be formed of 4 coaches instead of 8.
This is due to an operating incident.

Message Received: 06:00:54 25/01/2010
 The uprising continues to grow. The current number of signatures is 4,384. I predict that this will rise to 5,000 by the end of the week. Here's a video showing what many of us suffer on a near daily basis. This is a train at Cricklewood. This scene is repeated on a daily basis up and down the line.

I guess Lord Adonis doesn't see this much in his ministerial limo.

***** Update at 18:00 ************
So much for the extra carriages ending the days of short trains. Just spotted this on the Mill Hill Journey check board

17:38 Luton to Sutton Surrey due 19:12
This train will be formed of 4 coaches instead of 8.
This is due to a problem currently under investigation.
Message Received: 11:23:30 25/01/2010
18:44 Luton to Sevenoaks due 20:43
This train will be formed of 8 coaches instead of 4.
This is due to an earlier train fault.
Message Received: 17:50:18 25/01/2010
21:20 Luton to Sutton Surrey due 23:05
This train will be formed of 4 coaches instead of 8.
This is due to a problem currently under investigation.
Message Received: 11:24:03 25/01/2010

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