Monday, 19 September 2011

Barnet Council : Freedom of Information request - Traveller sites

I have today submitted a freedom of information request, so that we can see exactly what sites are up for consideration regarding Mayor of London, Boris Johnson's requirement that Barnet Council provide 22 permanent sites for travellers.

Dear Freedom of Information,
Please could you provide any information held by barnet council relating to potential sites for permanent traveller sites. There is a legal requirement to provide these, so please provide all documentation which identifies where Barnet may have either a) planned to site them or b) reviewed and discarded as an option.
Please also provide any emails from councillors to council officials relating to these decisions.
Roger Tichborne
I wouldn't expect anything too soon, but as soon as I get a response I will publish it. This should be rather interesting (if I or the blog) live long enough to see the response

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